It was another successful year at the CEDIA Expo! This was our fourth year at the show, and it just keeps getting better. We appreciate all the excitement and positive feedback about our TV Lifts. Even better, we got the chance to see many old friends again and to meet lots of new ones.
The CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) Expo was held this year in Denver, CO. It takes place annually and is attended by thousands of AV Professionals from all over the world. It is exhilarating to be associated with an industry that offers such exciting and diverse products!

This year we not only displayed our lineup of super smooth TV Lifts, we also got to show off our NEW component shelf and swivel models. With these additions to our product mix, clients can raise their TV AND their components (like DVD player and cable box) all together at the touch of a button, and then turn the whole assembly to be seen from any viewing angle. Everyone loved it! We are not sure which we raised more of: TV's or eyebrows!
As always, visitors were impressed with the compact size of the lifts, as well as how QUIET they are! Our Industry-Best Warranty was also a popular topic of conversation, since many installers have had negative experiences with other manufacturer's TV Lift products.

Of course there was also time to socialize! Thank you to everyone who invited us to their private parties, and took the time to get to know us. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Expo next year in Atlanta GA.