"Camelback backpack? You think that's funny? I'll show you what's funny."
We all know Nicole McClain has gained some notoriety from her Nexus 21 TV lift “rides.” Heather, hoping to gain her own Nexus 21 blog celebrity status, rode a camel while in Israel.
Jeff assured Nicole that her lift ride would be completely safe. Heather, on the other hand, did not receive the same reassurance. Seconds before climbing onto a camel with huge teeth, the camel owner told her, “Do not pet the camel. He is not your friend. He does not like you.” Heather rode the camel safely for an hour with only one mishap — the camel behind her was trying to eat her Camelback backpack (a form of retaliation on his part to defend the camel name and kingdom). In the end, Heather learned that camels, like the Nexus 21 TV Lift Systems, also have incredible lifting capacity and they too are safe. The moral of the story? Sometimes you have to travel to the Middle East to "out do" a co-worker’s infamous lift riding!
To view more information on the Nexus 21 TV lift capacity click here.
To buy a Nexus 21 Lift System click here.
To buy a camel click here.